Tuesday, March 9, 2010

News Release: Lutz for Congress 2010

Ray Lutz for Congress 2010
CONTACT: Raymond Lutz, Candidate, U.S. Congress, 52nd District
raylutz@VoteRayLutz.com / 619-447-3246
1265 Avocado Blvd Suite 104-335
El Cajon, CA 92020

March 8, 2010

Citizens' Oversight Advocate, Blackwater Foe Enters Congressional Race

Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs) founder Ray Lutz declares candidacy for the 52nd Congressional District

SAN DIEGO, CA (March 8) – Ray Lutz, advocate for citizen oversight and activist who fought with the community against Blackwater expansion in San Diego, took out nomination paperwork and paid fees today to formally declare his candidacy for the the 52nd Congressional District, encompassing most of East San Diego County.

Lutz responded to an overwhelming response to the “Draft Ray Lutz for Congress” campaign, only active for a couple of weeks and resulting in a landslide of support from the community, even with residents still hard-pressed by the economic meltdown.
“I feel like George Bailey, surrounded by friends and neighbors as they try to cover the lost check at the bank,”
Lutz said.
“One fellow said he was completely strapped but was able to pledge $2.17 -- like the woman asking for money at the Bailey Savings and Loan, and willing to accept just a couple of dollars to get her through the week. Tears come to my eyes -- I thank everyone for their kind and unwavering support.”
Lutz was initially reluctant to run, but now he says he has no choice but to respond to the tidal wave of support. “You've got a candidate now!”

This grassroots support is in stark contrast to that of Lutz's ultimate opponent, who inherited his seat through name confusion (he has the same name), and who has a long list of favors to repay, continuing from the first 28 years of his father's regime. But today, the voter is sophisticated enough to see through the glitz. More than ever, we obviously need to shed the "good ol' boys" incumbent legacy.

Lutz says he intends to push for a “Green Manhattan Project” to build solar panel plants across the country, and especially in the 52nd district. “We need solar panel manufacturing plants, not more outdated and polluting fossil-fuel power plants or dangerous nuclear plants,” Lutz said.

Lutz explained that we are, at the present time, at worldwide peak of oil production. In the next few years, the amount of oil that can be produced will decline, while at the same time demand will continue to increase. The developing countries of India and China, for example, will increase their demand by 15% per year. The result is that we will face a dramatic change in the energy landscape, from cheap and plentiful to costly and scarce energy supplies. Even if we drill all we can, it won't alter the larger trend.

Lutz is also noted as one of the leading opponents to the Blackwater mercenary training camp in Potrero, and then the expansion in Otay Mesa and at Southwestern college. He says he will be pushing for enactment of the “Stop Outsourcing Security Act” which will defund and outlaw private mercenary forces such as Blackwater (AKA “Xe”).

But that’s not the only important issue for Lutz. He’s also been an active opponent of the Sunrise Powerlink, a massive 500kV transmission line planned by Sempra Energy and San Diego Gas & Electric. The transmission line was planned to go directly through the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park but is now slated to run along a southern route taking private property from backcountry residents and going through the pristine El Monte valley.

“The Sunrise Powerlink has little to do with the energy needs of the San Diego area, and it is not required to tap into renewable plants in the desert. Instead, SDG&E has admitted their long-term plans will mainly benefit the LA market with Mexicali power plants dodging California smog regulations and using fuel imported from Asian sources through Mexico. This proposal takes us in the wrong direction and costs $7+ billion over the life of the project with little, if any, benefit to my district.

“Instead we must push for rooftop solar, local generation, and conservation. We are on the precipice of dramatic change, and we must not continue to repeat mistakes from the past.”
Lutz included health care, the economy, and jobs in his top issues.

Lutz is a native of East San Diego County and is also the founder of watchdog group Citizens’ Oversight Projects (COPs). His website, http://www.VoteRayLutz.com includes a careful analysis of many other important issues confronting our region and state. He is a resident of the unincorporated county area bordering on the City of El Cajon. Lutz and his wife operate a private school in El Cajon, and he sells electronic devices into the medical marketplace for drug-free treatment of ailments such as ADD, austism, and migraines. He has a Master of Science degree in Electronics Engineering from San Diego State University. His novel, Coils of the Serpent, describes a linkage between DNA science and biblical texts and is available at CoilsOfTheSerpent.com.

> Please visit http://www.VoteRayLutz.com to submit your pledges to the campaign.
> Please endorse the Stop Outsourcing Security act here: http://www.copswiki.org/Common/OpenLetterToCongress
> Read the full report of the COPs review of the Registrar of Voter's office: http://www.copswiki.org/Common/COPsRovReport
> Visit http://www.StopBlackwater.net for background on Blackwater.

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